TitleMotion служит для создания профессиональной графики, экранного текста и видеоэффектов в системах нелинейного монтажа. Данный продукт представляет собой упрощённый набор возможностей, имеющихся в популярных знакогенераторах от Inscriber: CG/Supreme и CG/Extreme.
New features in EDIUS 6 include:
* 10-bit editing support * 2K/4K resolution support * Free-shape mask filter * 16 camera multicam editing * Proxy mode workflow * Canon XF format and EOS movie format support * Exporting in AVCHD format to a media card
To see more of the new features of EDIUS 6 in action, visit our EDIUS 6 Feature Showcase.
Key Features
* Work natively with many different video formats, such as Sony's XDCAM, Panasonic's P2, Ikegami's GF, and now Canon's XF format and EOS movie format * Windows 7, Windows XP, and Windows Vista support * Fast, flexible user interface, including unlimited video, audio, title, and graphics tracks * Real-time editing and conversion of different resolutions, as high as 4K/2K resolution to as low as 24x24 * Real-time editing and conversion of different frame rates, such as 60p/50p, 60i/50i, and 24p * Proxy mode workflow by switching timeline between proxy/hi-res mode * Nested timeline sequences * GPU-accelerated 3D transitions * Real-time effects, keyers, transitions, and titles * Multicamera editing of up to 16 different sources simultaneously * Direct to Blu-ray Disc and DVD timeline export * Export in AVCHD format to a media card * High-value software bundle includes filters, effects, image stabilization, and VST audio plug-ins
1. mount and Install Grass Valley Edius v6.01 2. Run setup.exe in crack folder 3. If prompted, enter serial 555555-HYPJP015G6G0JFC3